Deliver to your customer's door using your own delivery fleet, or nationwide carriers like UPS–FedEx.
✔️ Customize products, prices, and fees by different areas
✔️ Offer free-delivery thresholds to increase AOV
✔️ Save over 80% on overnight rates by using GrazeCart
Whether you need to add a pick-up in-store option or a drop-point location for your buying club program, GrazeCart has it covered.
Unlimited locations ✔️
Add custom pickup dates & times, and more ✔️
Automate delivery reminder emails ✔️
Configure your unique shipping schedule and provide shoppers with real-time delivery estimates to inspire more action.
Bump your average order value with free-delivery promotion on a certain order size.
Assign pricing tiers to zones to accurately reflect your delivery cost and minimize high shipping fees, (which kill conversions rates).
Have certain products that won't ship? Assign them to local channels only.
Save thousands on UPS or FedEx with our exclusive partnerships.
Customize your delivery fee structure uniquely for pickup, delivery, and shipping.
Overall an excellent experience. The folks at GrazeCart not only have a great product that we are very satisfied with but they also run an inspiring business and we continue to learn from them.
Grazecart is easy to set up and use. It's as if the Grazecart team read my mind and created a platform to display, sell, and marked the beef we raise and sell.